At a glance

Set up in 2006 and managed on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MASSIF is FMO’s financial inclusion fund. MASSIF enhances financial inclusion for micro-entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that are disproportionately affected by a lack of access to financial services. The Fund supports intermediaries that reach out to MSMEs in fragile and low-income countries, MSMEs in rural areas and those dependent on agriculture, women-and-youth owned MSMEs, and intermediaries providing access to productive goods and services for underserved individuals in the poorest social-economic segments.

  • 1 The figures provide a glance at the achievements of the MASSIF portfolio. Number of MSME’s that obtain financial services (number of SME loans + number of micro loans) are results reported by the companies and funds within the portfolio. Number of improved or introduced new products are reported as the number of new investments with a Reducing Inequalities or Green label (according to FMO’s labelling methodology). Direct jobs supported in individually supported MSME’s are estimated by the Joint Impact Model. These figures are attributed to the size of MASSIF’s investment as agreed with the Dutch government. The figures shown do not include new investments from 2023, as the most recent impact data available from clients pertains to the reporting year that concluded in 2022.